1 package org.paneris.melati.site.model;
3 import org.paneris.melati.site.model.generated.UploadedImageTableBase;
4 import org.melati.poem.DefinitionSource;
5 import org.melati.poem.Database;
6 import org.melati.poem.PoemException;
8 /**
9 * Melati POEM generated, programmer modifiable stub
10 * for a <code>UploadedImageTable</code> object.
11 * <p>
12 * Description:
13 * An image uploaded by a user.
14 * </p>
15 *
16 *
17 * <table>
18 * <tr><th colspan='3'>
19 * Field summary for SQL table <code>UploadedImage</code>
20 * </th></tr>
21 * <tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Description</th></tr>
22 * <tr><td> id </td><td> Integer </td><td> </td></tr>
23 * <tr><td> url </td><td> String </td><td> The name of the file, as uploaded
24 * </td></tr>
25 * <tr><td> height </td><td> Integer </td><td> The height of this file if it
26 * is an image </td></tr>
27 * <tr><td> width </td><td> Integer </td><td> The width of this file if it is
28 * an image </td></tr>
29 * </table>
30 *
31 * @generator org.melati.poem.prepro.TableDef#generateTableMainJava
32 */
33 public class UploadedImageTable extends UploadedImageTableBase {
35 /**
36 * Constructor.
37 *
38 * @generator org.melati.poem.prepro.TableDef#generateTableMainJava
39 * @param database the POEM database we are using
40 * @param name the name of this <code>Table</code>
41 * @param definitionSource which definition is being us String displayname
42 (size = unlimited)
43 (displayname = "Display name")
44 (description = "The layout's name")
45 (displaylevel = primary)
46 (searchability = primary);
47 ed
48 * @throws PoemException if anything goes wrong
49 */
50 public UploadedImageTable(
51 Database database, String name,
52 DefinitionSource definitionSource) throws PoemException {
53 super(database, name, definitionSource);
54 }
56 // programmer's domain-specific code here
57 /**
58 * Find or create an object with these properties.
59 * Note that height and width are defaulted.
60 * @param displayName
61 * @param description
62 * @param url
63 * @param type
64 * @return existing or newly created one
65 */
66 public UploadedImage ensure(String displayName, String description,
67 String url, UploadedFileType type,
68 Integer width, Integer height){
69 UploadedImage p = (UploadedImage)getDisplaynameColumn().firstWhereEq(displayName);
70 if (p == null) {
71 p = (UploadedImage)newPersistent();
72 p.setDisplayname(displayName);
73 p.setDescription(description);
74 p.setUrl(url);
75 p.setWidth(width);
76 p.setHeight(height);
77 p.setType(type);
78 p.setDeleted(false);
79 p.makePersistent();
80 }
81 return p;
82 }
83 /**
84 * @return the relative url
85 */
86 public String getRelativeUrl() {
87 return "/images";
88 }
90 }