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1   /* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. */
2   package com.quiotix.html.parser;
5   /** 
6    * Token literal values and constants.
7    * Generated by org.javacc.parser.OtherFilesGen#start()
8    */
9   public interface HtmlParserConstants {
11    /** End of File. */
12    int EOF = 0;
13    /** RegularExpression Id. */
14    int ALPHA_CHAR = 4;
15    /** RegularExpression Id. */
16    int NUM_CHAR = 5;
17    /** RegularExpression Id. */
18    int ALPHANUM_CHAR = 6;
19    /** RegularExpression Id. */
20    int IDENTIFIER_CHAR = 7;
21    /** RegularExpression Id. */
22    int IDENTIFIER = 8;
23    /** RegularExpression Id. */
24    int QUOTED_STRING_NB = 9;
25    /** RegularExpression Id. */
26    int QUOTED_STRING = 10;
27    /** RegularExpression Id. */
28    int WHITESPACE = 11;
29    /** RegularExpression Id. */
30    int NEWLINE = 12;
31    /** RegularExpression Id. */
32    int QUOTE = 13;
33    /** RegularExpression Id. */
34    int EOL = 14;
35    /** RegularExpression Id. */
36    int TAG_START = 15;
37    /** RegularExpression Id. */
38    int ENDTAG_START = 16;
39    /** RegularExpression Id. */
40    int COMMENT_START = 17;
41    /** RegularExpression Id. */
42    int DECL_START = 18;
43    /** RegularExpression Id. */
44    int PCDATA = 19;
45    /** RegularExpression Id. */
46    int TAG_SCRIPT = 20;
47    /** RegularExpression Id. */
48    int TAG_STYLE = 21;
49    /** RegularExpression Id. */
50    int TAG_NAME = 22;
51    /** RegularExpression Id. */
52    int LST_ERROR = 23;
53    /** RegularExpression Id. */
54    int ATTR_NAME = 25;
55    /** RegularExpression Id. */
56    int TAG_END = 26;
57    /** RegularExpression Id. */
58    int TAG_SLASHEND = 27;
59    /** RegularExpression Id. */
60    int ATTR_EQ = 28;
61    /** RegularExpression Id. */
62    int IMPLICIT_TAG_END = 29;
63    /** RegularExpression Id. */
64    int LIT_ERROR = 30;
65    /** RegularExpression Id. */
66    int ATTR_VAL = 32;
67    /** RegularExpression Id. */
68    int LAV_ERROR = 33;
69    /** RegularExpression Id. */
70    int COMMENT_END = 34;
71    /** RegularExpression Id. */
72    int DASH = 35;
73    /** RegularExpression Id. */
74    int COMMENT_EOL = 36;
75    /** RegularExpression Id. */
76    int COMMENT_WORD = 37;
77    /** RegularExpression Id. */
78    int DECL_ANY = 38;
79    /** RegularExpression Id. */
80    int DECL_END = 39;
81    /** RegularExpression Id. */
82    int SCRIPT_END = 40;
83    /** RegularExpression Id. */
84    int STYLE_END = 41;
85    /** RegularExpression Id. */
86    int BLOCK_EOL = 42;
87    /** RegularExpression Id. */
88    int BLOCK_LBR = 43;
89    /** RegularExpression Id. */
90    int BLOCK_WORD = 44;
92    /** Lexical state. */
93    int LexStyle = 0;
94    /** Lexical state. */
95    int LexScript = 1;
96    /** Lexical state. */
97    int LexDecl = 2;
98    /** Lexical state. */
99    int LexComment = 3;
100   /** Lexical state. */
101   int LexAttrVal = 4;
102   /** Lexical state. */
103   int LexInTag = 5;
104   /** Lexical state. */
105   int LexStartTag = 6;
106   /** Lexical state. */
107   int DEFAULT = 7;
109   /** Literal token values. */
110   String[] tokenImage = {
111     "<EOF>",
112     "\"=\\n\"",
113     "\"=\\r\\n\"",
114     "\"=\\r\"",
115     "<ALPHA_CHAR>",
116     "<NUM_CHAR>",
117     "<ALPHANUM_CHAR>",
118     "<IDENTIFIER_CHAR>",
119     "<IDENTIFIER>",
120     "<QUOTED_STRING_NB>",
121     "<QUOTED_STRING>",
122     "<WHITESPACE>",
123     "<NEWLINE>",
124     "<QUOTE>",
125     "<EOL>",
126     "\"<\"",
127     "\"</\"",
128     "\"<!--\"",
129     "\"<!\"",
130     "<PCDATA>",
131     "\"SCRIPT\"",
132     "\"STYLE\"",
133     "<TAG_NAME>",
134     "<LST_ERROR>",
135     "<token of kind 24>",
136     "<ATTR_NAME>",
137     "\">\"",
138     "\"/>\"",
139     "\"=\"",
140     "\"<\"",
141     "<LIT_ERROR>",
142     "<token of kind 31>",
143     "<ATTR_VAL>",
144     "<LAV_ERROR>",
145     "<COMMENT_END>",
146     "\"-\"",
147     "<COMMENT_EOL>",
148     "<COMMENT_WORD>",
149     "<DECL_ANY>",
150     "\">\"",
151     "\"</SCRIPT>\"",
152     "\"</STYLE>\"",
153     "<BLOCK_EOL>",
154     "\"<\"",
155     "<BLOCK_WORD>",
156   };
158 }