View Javadoc

1   package org.paneris.rimauresq.model;
3   import org.melati.poem.AccessToken;
4   import org.melati.poem.Capability;
5   import org.melati.poem.PoemTask;
6   import org.melati.util.StringUtils;
7   import;
8   import;
9   import;
10  import;
11  import;
12  import org.paneris.rimauresq.model.generated.RimauresqDatabaseBase;
14  /**
15   * Melati POEM generated, programmer modifiable stub.
16   */
17  public class RimauresqDatabase extends RimauresqDatabaseBase implements
18      RimauresqDatabaseTables {
19        // programmer's domain-specific code here
21    private Page homePage, thanksPage;
22    private UploadedImage otherDbImage;
23    private Setting otherDbHomePageUrl;
24    private Setting thisDbName, otherDbName;
25    private Setting newsAdminName, newsAdminEmail;
26    private Setting salesAdminName, salesAdminEmail;
27    private Setting websiteFromName, websiteFromEmail;
28    private Setting quantity, edit, confirm;
29    private Setting description;
30    private Setting keywords;
31    private UploadedFileType pdf, wm, html, jpg, gif;
32    private Div colophon;
33    private Div comment;
34    private Template thanksTemplate;
35    private Div illogical;
36    private Div orderThanks;
37    private Div newsThanks;
38    private Div sent;
39    private Div duplicateLogin;
40    /**
41     * @return Returns the salesAdminEmail.
42     */
43    public Setting getSalesAdminEmail() {
44      return salesAdminEmail;
45    }
47    /**
48     * @return Returns the salesAdminName.
49     */
50    public Setting getSalesAdminName() {
51      return salesAdminName;
52    }
54    /**
55     * @return Returns the websiteFromEmail.
56     */
57    public Setting getWebsiteFromEmail() {
58      return websiteFromEmail;
59    }
61    /**
62     * @return Returns the websiteFromName.
63     */
64    public Setting getWebsiteFromName() {
65      return websiteFromName;
66    }
68    public void connect(
69        String name,
70        String dbmsclass,
71        String url,
72        String username,
73        String password,
74        int maxConnections) {
75        super.connect(name, dbmsclass, url, username, password, maxConnections);
77        inSession(AccessToken.root, new PoemTask() {
78          public void run() {
79            homePage = (Page)getPageTable().firstSelection("id=0");
80            if (homePage == null) 
81              homePage = getPageTable().ensure("Home");
82            thanksTemplate = getTemplateTable().ensure("Thanks","thanks.wm");
83            thanksPage = (Page)getPageTable().getTemplateColumn().
84                              firstWhereEq(thanksTemplate.troid());
85            if (thanksPage == null) 
86              thanksPage = getPageTable().ensure("Thanks", thanksTemplate);
87            pdf = getUploadedFileTypeTable().ensure("pdf");
88            wm = getUploadedFileTypeTable().ensure("wm");
89            html = getUploadedFileTypeTable().ensure("html");
90            jpg = getUploadedFileTypeTable().ensure("jpg");
91            gif = getUploadedFileTypeTable().ensure("gif");
92            otherDbImage = getUploadedImageTable().
93                               ensure("other","Francais","images/french_flag.gif",gif, 
94                                   new Integer(25), new Integer(25));
95            thisDbName =
96              (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
97                  "ThisDbName",
98                  "en",
99                  "English",
100                 "Name of this database");
101           otherDbName =
102             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
103                 "OtherDbName",
104                 "fr",
105                 "Francais",
106                 "Name of other database");
107           otherDbHomePageUrl =
108             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
109                 "OtherDbHomePageUrl",
110                 "page/Home.html",
111                 "Other DB Home Page",
112                 "Home Page of other database");
113           newsAdminName =
114             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
115                 "NewsAdminName",
116                 "News Admin Name",
117                 "News Admin Name",
118                 "Name of person who deals with administration of the newsletter");
119           newsAdminEmail =
120             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
121                 "NewsAdminEmail",
122                 "",
123                 "News Admin Email",
124                 "Email address of person responsible for newsletter administration");
125           salesAdminName =
126             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
127                 "SalesAdminName",
128                 "Sales Admin Name",
129                 "Sales Admin Name",
130                 "Name of person who deals with administration of sales");
131           salesAdminEmail =
132             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
133                 "SalesAdminEmail",
134                 "",
135                 "Sales Admin Email",
136                 "Email address of person responsible for sales administration");
137           websiteFromName =
138             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
139                 "WebsiteFromName",
140                 "Website From Name",
141                 "Website From Name",
142                 "Name of person used to send emails from the website");
143           websiteFromEmail =
144             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
145                 "WebsiteFromEmail",
146                 "",
147                 "Website From Email",
148                 "Name of person used to send emails from the website");
149           quantity =
150             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
151                 "QuantityText",
152                 "Quantity",
153                 "Quantity Text",
154                 "Text to appear where Quantity is in the English site.");
155           edit =
156             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
157                 "EditText",
158                 "Edit",
159                 "Edit Text",
160                 "Text to appear where Edit is in the English site.");
161           confirm =
162             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
163                 "confirm",
164                 "Confirm",
165                 "Confirm Text",
166                 "Text to appear where Confirm is in the English site.");
168           description =
169             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
170                 "description",
171                 "A premium range of wines from Provence.",
172                 "Site description",
173                 "Descriptive text used in meta tags");
174           keywords =
175             (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
176                 "keywords",
177                 "French, wines, Provence, Rimauresq",
178                 "Site keywords",
179                 "Comma separated values for use in keywords meta tag");
182           colophon = getDivTable().ensure(null, "colophon", "Colophon", 
183                 "By Paneris using Melati");
184           comment = getDivTable().ensure(null, "comment", "Comment", 
185           "Any additional comments or instructions");
187           illogical = getDivTable().ensure(null, "illogical", "illogical", 
188               "<p>You appear not to have ordered anything nor to have " +
189               "subscribed to the newsletter.</p>" + 
190               "<p>Please <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\">" + 
191               "try again</a></p>");
192           orderThanks = getDivTable().ensure(null, "orderThanks", 
193               "Order Thanks", 
194               "<p>Thank you for your order. " + 
195               "We will be in touch shortly about payment and delivery.</p>");
196           newsThanks = getDivTable().ensure(null, "newsThanks", 
197               "Registration Thanks", 
198               "<p>Thank you for registering for Rimauresq News. " + 
199               "We will keep you informed of the latest news and "+ 
200               "special offers.</p>");
201           sent = getDivTable().ensure(null, "sent", "Sent", 
202           "<p>The following message has been sent to our offices.</p>");
203           duplicateLogin = getDivTable().ensure(null, "duplicateLogin", 
204               "Duplicate User Name", 
205               "<p>Your login name has already been used.</p>" + 
206               "<p>Please choose another.</p>");
208         }
209       });
211       setDisplayName("Rimauresq");
212   }
214   public boolean logSQL() {
215     return false;
216   }
218   public Capability getCanAdminister() {
219     return administerCapability();
220   }
222   /**
223    * @return Returns the homePage.
224    */
225   public Page getHomePage() {
226     return homePage;
227   }
228   /**
229    * @return Returns the thans page.
230    */
231   public Page getThanksPage() {
232     return thanksPage;
233   }
234   /**
235    * @return Returns the newsAdminEmail.
236    */
237   public String getNewsAdminEmail() {
238     return newsAdminEmail.getValue();
239   }
240   /**
241    * @return Returns the newsAdminName.
242    */
243   public String getNewsAdminName() {
244     return newsAdminName.getValue();
245   }
247   /**
248    * @return the image of the other db
249    */
250   public UploadedImage getOtherDbImage() {
251     return otherDbImage;
252   }
254   /**
255    * @return the name of the other db
256    */
257   public String getOtherDbName() {
258     return otherDbName.getValue();
259   }
261   /**
262    * @return the name of this db
263    */
264   public String getThisDbName() {
265     return thisDbName.getValue();
266   }
268   /**
269    * @return home page url of other db
270    */
271   public String getOtherDbHomePageUrl() {
272     return otherDbHomePageUrl.getValue();
273   }
275   /**
276    * @return the quantity setting
277    */
278   public String getQuantityText() {
279     return quantity.getValue();
280   }
281   /**
282    * @return the word for 'edit' in this language
283    */
284   public String getEditText() {
285     return edit.getValue();
286   }
288   /**
289    * Find a db specific template if it exists, otherwise the common one.
290    * Does not check if common one exists - you will find out soon enough.
291    * 
292    * @param key fileName of template
293    * @return resource name 
294    */
295   public String templateName(String key) {
296     String templateResourceName = "/org/paneris/rimauresq/view/" + getThisDbName() + "/" + key + ".wm";
297     if (this.getClass().getResource(templateResourceName) == null) {
298       templateResourceName = "/org/paneris/rimauresq/view/" + key + ".wm";
299     }
301     return templateResourceName;
302   }
304   /**
305    * @return the colophon div
306    */
307   public Div getColophon() {
308     return colophon;
309   }
311   /**
312    * @return the comment div
313    */
314   public Div getComment() {
315     return comment;
316   }
318   /**
319    * Return a string from the settings table. 
320    * 
321    * @param settingName key into setting table
322    * @return ensured setting value, same as key if not previously set
323    */
324   public String getText(String settingName) {
325     Setting s = (Setting)getSettingTable().ensure(
326         settingName,
327         settingName,
328         settingName,
329         settingName);
330     return s.getValue();
331   }
333   /**
334    * @return the thanks template
335    */
336   public Template getThanksTemplate() {
337     return thanksTemplate;
338   }
340   /**
341    * @return the div to say that a choice makes no sense
342    */
343   public Div getIllogical() {
344     return illogical;
345   }
347   /**
348    * @return the order thanks div
349    */
350   public Div getOrderThanks() {
351     return orderThanks;
352   }
354   /**
355    * @return the news subscription thanks div 
356    */
357   public Div getNewsThanks() {
358     return newsThanks;
359   }
361   /**
362    * @return the div of what email has been sent
363    */
364   public Div getSent() {
365     return sent;
366   }
368   /**
369    * @return the confirm setting
370    */
371   public Setting getConfirm() {
372     return confirm;
373   }
375   /**
376    * @return the html type
377    */
378   public UploadedFileType getHtml() {
379     return html;
380   }
382   /**
383    * @return the jpg type
384    */
385   public UploadedFileType getJpg() {
386     return jpg;
387   }
389   /**
390    * @return the wm type
391    */
392   public UploadedFileType getWm() {
393     return wm;
394   }
395   /**
396    * @return the pdf type
397    */
398   public UploadedFileType getPdf() {
399     return pdf;
400   }
402   /**
403    * @return the duplicate login div
404    */
405   public Div getDuplicateLogin() {
406     return duplicateLogin;
407   }
408   /**
409    * @return the description 
410    */
411   public String getDescription() {
412     return description.getValue();
413   }
414   /**
415    * @return the keywords
416    */
417   public String getKeywords() {
418     return keywords.getValue();
419   }
421   public String getJavaName() { 
422     return StringUtils.capitalised(getName());    
423   }
424 }