View Javadoc

1   package org.paneris.rimauresq.model;
3   import org.paneris.rimauresq.model.generated.SettingTableBase;
4   import org.melati.poem.DefinitionSource;
5   import org.melati.poem.Database;
6   import org.melati.poem.PoemException;
7   import org.melati.poem.PoemTask;
8   import org.melati.poem.PoemThread;
10  /**
11   * Melati POEM generated, programmer modifiable stub 
12   * for a <code>SettingTable</code> object.
13   *
14   * 
15   * <table> 
16   * <tr><th colspan='3'>
17   * Field summary for SQL table <code>Setting</code>
18   * </th></tr>
19   * <tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Description</th></tr>
20   * </table> 
21   * 
22   * @generator  org.melati.poem.prepro.TableDef#generateTableMainJava 
23   */
24  public class SettingTable extends SettingTableBase {
26   /**
27    * Constructor.
28    * 
29    * @generator org.melati.poem.prepro.TableDef#generateTableMainJava 
30    * @param database          the POEM database we are using
31    * @param name              the name of this <code>Table</code>
32    * @param definitionSource  which definition is being used
33    * @throws PoemException    if anything goes wrong
34    */
35    public SettingTable(
36        Database database, String name,
37        DefinitionSource definitionSource) throws PoemException {
38      super(database, name, definitionSource);
39    }
41    // programmer's domain-specific code here
42    public void postInitialise() {
43        super.postInitialise();
44        PoemThread.withAccessToken(
45            getDatabase().getUserTable().administratorUser(),
46            new PoemTask() {
47              public void run() {
48                  String installationDir = "/dist/rimauresq";
49                  ensure("CVSRoot",installationDir,"CVS Root", 
50                         "The directory into which system was checked out from CVS");
51                  ensure("SMTPServer","","SMTP server", 
52                         "The SMTP server for outgoing mail");
53                  // FIXME duplicated in BoardTable
54                  ensure("BoardsAttachmentsPath", installationDir + "/www/attachments",
55                         "Boards attachments Path",
56                         "A directory which will contain one directory " +
57                         "for each board (named after the board) in which " +
58                         "to store attachments for this board " + 
59                         "(e.g. /usr/httpd/testapp/board_attachments)");
60                  // FIXME duplicated in BoardTable
61                  ensure("BoardsAttachmentsURL", "/attachments",
62                         "Boards attachments URL",
63                         "A URL to the directory defined by " + 
64                         "BoardsAttachmentsPath" +
65                         "(e.g.");
66                  ensure("BoardsEmailDomain", "", 
67                         "localhost",
68                         "The domain which receives mail for this database. " +
69                         "Note that this must be the same as that defined in " + 
70                         " " +
71                         "(or equivalent, if you set a different name when " +
72                         "starting SMTPServerServlet) "+ 
73                         "(e.g.");
74                  ensure("BoardsEmailTemplates", "org/paneris/wvm/boards/emailtemplates", 
75                         "Boards email templates",
76                         "The directory containing the templates for " +
77                         "sending out email. " +
78                         "This is relative to WM's TemplatePath " +
79                         "(e.g. testapp/boards/emailtemplates)");
80                  ensure("BoardsSystemURL","/db/board",
81                         "Boards system URL",
82                         "The URL to the BoardAdmin handler for this database " +
83                         " (e.g."+
84                         "org.paneris.melati.boards.BoardAdmin)");
85                  ensure("BoardsStylesheetURL","/styles/boards.css",
86                         "Stylesheet URL",
87                         "A URL to a stylesheet for all board pages");
88                ensure("LogicalDatabase","rimauresq",
89                       "Logical database", 
90                       "The name of the database " + 
91                       "(note this must agree with the entry in " + 
92                       " eg testdb");
93                ensure("UploadURL","/fs",
94                       "Upload URL", 
95                       "Base reference for uploaded files ");
96                ensure("UploadDir", installationDir + "/www/fs",
97                       "Upload Directory", 
98                       "Where in the files system to write uploaded files ");
100             }
102             public String toString() {
103               return "Creating default settings";
104             }
105       }
106       );
107     }
110    /**
111     * Ensure that <code>Setting</code>s have a value, as 
112     * <code>org.paneris.melati.boards.meodel.SettingTable.ensure</code>
113     * creates them with empty values.
114     */
115     public org.melati.poem.Setting ensure(String name, String value,
116                           String displayname, String description) {
117       org.melati.poem.Setting p = super.ensure(name, value, displayname, 
118                                                description);
119       if (p.getValue() == null || p.getValue().equals("")) {
120         p.setValue(value);
121       }
122       return p;
123     }
125 }