Package com.quiotix.html.parser

Interface Summary
HtmlParserConstants Token literal values and constants.
Sized A Character sequence has a length.
Visitable An Object which can be visited by an HtmlVisitor as per the Visitor Pattern.

Class Summary
HtmlCollector An HtmlVisitor which modifies the structure of the document so that begin tags are matched properly with end tags and placed in TagBlock elements.
HtmlDebugDumper Simple HtmlVisitor which dumps out the document to the specified output stream.
HtmlDocument Represents an HTML document as a sequence of elements.
HtmlDocument.Annotation Annotations.
HtmlDocument.Attribute A Tag Attribute.
HtmlDocument.AttributeList A List of Attributes.
HtmlDocument.Comment HTML comments.
HtmlDocument.ElementSequence A sequence of HTML elements.
HtmlDocument.EndTag Html end tag.
HtmlDocument.HtmlElement Abstract class for HTML elements.
HtmlDocument.Newline End of line indicator.
HtmlDocument.Tag HTML start tag.
HtmlDocument.TagBlock A tag block is a composite structure consisting of a start tag a sequence of HTML elements, and a matching end tag.
HtmlDocument.Text Plain text
HtmlDumper Simple HtmlVisitor which dumps out the document to the specified output stream.
HtmlFormatter HtmlFormatter is a Visitor which traverses an HtmlDocument, dumping the contents of the document to a specified output stream.
HtmlParser This grammar parses an HTML document and produces a (flat) parse "tree" representing the document.
HtmlParserTokenManager Token Manager.
HtmlScrubber HtmlScrubber is a Visitor which walks an HtmlDocument and cleans it up.
HtmlStripper A runnable class intended to produce readable, sparse html from formatted pages.
HtmlVisitor Abstract class implementing Visitor pattern for HtmlDocument objects.
SimpleCharStream An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
Token Describes the input token stream.

Exception Summary
ParseException This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.

Error Summary
TokenMgrError Token Manager Error.

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